Friday, June 26, 2009

What do you do when you spend an entire week without cell phones?

You invent a game to pass the time!

Here is the game we invented while on vacation in Harrisville, Michigan. (Um, Verizon? Hello? Can you hear me now? Yeah, I didn't think so!)

The game:
"Llama, Llama!"

How to play:
  • Drink a bottle of Funky Llama Shiraz. Reserve cork.
  • Look at the cork. Determine that it's really cute and that it deserves a higher purpose than going into the garbage. (Laugh a lot. You just drank a bottle of wine).
  • Show the cork to the other players (all the people in the house).
  • Hide the cork somewhere in the house and instruct the other house guests that they must find it.

  1. The house guests must agree which rooms are eligible. It may not be hidden outside.
  2. The cork must be hidden in plain view. (No drawers, etc.)
  3. The person who finds the cork must yell "Llama, Llama!"
  4. The person who finds the cork gets to hide it next.
  5. Make up other rules as needed.
Would you believe that we kept this going for 6 days? Like I said, no cell phone service...

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