Friday, July 8, 2011

Tonight's Dinner from the Garden

I love summer.  Look what I found outside when I came home from work:

Now wouldn't that inspire anyone to cook?  So here's what I made for dinner.  First, I made a quick pesto with the basil, some garlic, olive oil, and toasted pine nuts.  (What, doesn't everyone have pine nuts on hands????)

Then I cut the squash into thick strips, around the same size as the penne pasta I was cooking.  Into the pan they went with a little olive oil:

After they cooked for a bit, I tossed in the cherry and grape tomatoes.

I cooked that for a little bit until the skins on the tomatoes started to wrinkle.  Then in went the cooked penne pasta and the pesto:

And voila!  Dinner!

It was really quite good and didn't take long at all.  I love dinner right out of the garden!

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