Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tree Woes

We're still trying to figure out what to do about the oak tree next to the deck. We've asked for three estimates so far and have received two. One estimate is to save the tree with rods and cabling and the other is to take it down. The second guy was a little too enthusiastic about chopping it down for my taste! Both estimates took my breath away...

It would be really hard to imagine the landscape without it...

Below is a closeup of the crack in question. There's no doubt that the tree is in trouble and a big wind storm might take it down and it is close to the house.

I felt like I needed to add something cheerful to this post, so here's one of the brighter spots in the landscape. This endless summer hydrangeas really lives up to its names


Sharon Andy Holderman said...

You might want to look into Barberton Tree Service. They were a great quote for us comparatively. It was to take down one of our trees, so I don't know about saving it, but it might be worth the free estimate?

Maureen Lerch said...

Thanks, Sharon! I'll call and see if they will come down to Massillon.