Please remind me that Richard doesn't eat tomatoes.
Please remind me that I don't know how to can. Better yet, remind me to learn how to can.
Please remind me that I belong to a CSA and can pretty much count on a steady delivery of tomatoes throughout the late summer.
This is what I harvested this morning:
Well, I guess you can remind me that there are plenty of people at work and home that are happy recipients of home grown tomatoes. How'd that panzanella turn out, Mom?
Okay, I'll probably still plant a ton of varieties next year, because, well, I like it :-) It makes me happy to see what works and what doesn't and learning how to be a better gardener. It makes me happy to hear how much better my tomatoes than the ones you can buy in the store. And it makes me happy to go out to the garden every day and see what lovely treasures are out there to greet me.
Okay, never mind. Don't remind me. I'm off to eat a tomato. Yes, I know it's only 10:30 in the morning, but I've got a lot of work to do!