I like to take the opportunity to weed my books before moving because I know it's such a pain. Well, looks like I've gotten comfortable in our home because the books are starting to take over!
Looks like it time to make a trip to Goodwill or Books in Stock... Anybody interested in some gently used books leftover from my bookclub? Anyone interested is welcome to come and help with my spring cleaning!
You know you could always 'donate' them to your library and then have Maynard come pick them up to raise money for your library! We use Maynard's services now and take all discarded books to add to our piles.
That's great! I'm sure Maynard would be happy to relieve me of my orphaned books, but I would be happier to receive the cash! Books in Stock gives about 10% of the cover price, so I'm thinking I could cash in a bit here. They don't take ex-library editions, so maybe these I'll toss into the Bookfinders pile at work.
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