Many are familiar with the German tradition of hiding a pickle somewhere on the Christmas tree. Well, not many know about the festive holiday tradition of the Funky Llama. Here's how it works...
First, drink a bottle of Funky Llama wine. Drink the whole bottle (after all, it's the holidays!)
Reserve the cork and turn it into an ornament.
Next, hang it on your tree, or even better, hide on the tree of someone you love.
Once it's found, you earn the privilege of hiding the cork on someone else's tree.
Hmmmm.... I wonder where it's at now? Once it's found, be sure to yell "Llama, Llama" really loud and post a comment to this blog so everyone knows it's been found. Otherwise, the Funky Llama won't know where to deliver the bottle of wine...
After they left our yard we saw them sit down on the hill and begin to strip every leaf off of the bushes. I wonder if they eat poison ivy? There's plenty over there!
Yes, I know seeing deer around here isn't that big of a deal, but for this citygirl, I'm always impressed.
On Thursday we had tickets for "Star Wars: The Concert" in Cleveland. Here are my two favorite geeks all dressed up and ready to go... I wish Richard would have unzipped his coat to show off the t-shirt I got him for the concert... Oh, well!
Once we got there we weaved our way through the crowd to look at the museum pieces on display. Here's everyone's favorite...
And here's Dad explaining to the crowd how exactly to destroy a death star. It's simple, really...
Hey, what's up with Princess Leia? It looks like she's about to shoot that little kid's knees out!
Who knew that the women's restroom was being protected by a diminutive green jedi?
Richard loves wookies... The crowds were a bit crazy... Here Dad is trapped and can't get out!
And then there was this kid...
The concert was about to start, so we had to have our traditional self-portrait, complete with double chins.
Just as the concert was about to begin everyone got their seats and many turned on their lightsabers.
We had really great seats, perfect for taking in the light effects.
The museum pieces were really cool, the crowd was fun and friendly, and the music was fantastic. Six thumbs up!
Okay, we know we're not the White House, but we thought our readers wouldn't mind taking a tour of our Christmas trees now that they are all decorated and lit.
We've scaled back from the day when we had three separate themed trees, but we have a new theme to unveil this year.
First, we have the return of the snowman tree. Last year we invested in a taller (9 ft) pre-lit tree. I'm going to keep my eye out for a taller top hat for next year.
Normally I don't take any action with obnoxious commercials, but I had my laptop open so I went on their website and sent them an email. I don't have my original email, but it was something to this effect: "I hate your new commercial. The one with the animals run over on the road. I wonder how this commercial ever made it on the air..."
Pretty short and sweet. The reason I'm blogging about this is because I really enjoyed the email I received in response. I would like to share it with you now...
"Good Morning Maureen;
At Michelin, road safety is a very serious matter and our recent advertisement is designed to remind consumers that choosing the right tire can actually impact your stopping distance. The scenario in the animated scene is representative of a situation that motorists may encounter in everyday driving. Our intention through the animated spot is to visually remind consumers that tires can make a difference and encourage motorists to think about the choices they can make to increase their chances of stopping safely on the road.
We do not find humor in animals injured on or near the road. In fact, the spot concludes with the Michelin Man rejoicing to see the animals safe.
Thank you for your email. We welcome the opportunity to serve you."
I don't know why I find this response so funny... I have a feeling I'm not the only person who contacted them about this commercial!