Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pepsi Taste Test

Richard and I saw a couple of confusing commercials about a "limited time only" version of Pepsi: Pepsi Throwback. If you pay attention to the commercial (and who does this any more? Can you ever really tell what commercials are selling these days?) you will discover that the big difference between Pespi and Pepsi Throwback is sugar. Real Sugar. Not all of that corn syrup.

So tonight when Richard was picking up pizza for dinner he saw an opportunity in the display:

So before we started in on the pizza we had an old-fashioned taste test.

The verdict?

"Mmmmnnn.... Real Sugar!"

They actually taste different. And we both really liked the Pepsi Throwback. (Isn't that a nice picture of Richard? No, he didn't drink the whole glass.)

I thought the Throwback was much more drinkable and more thirst-quenching. The regular Pepsi has a kind-of sticky corn-syrupy after taste. (Note: I'm not a fan of Pepsi. I'm not a fan of pop in general...) Richard thought the Throwback version tasted how he remembered "soda" from his childhood. (Yes, I call it "pop" and he calls it "soda.") Note: Richard has a very distinct memory of how his childhood tasted. I'm not kidding :-)

So, it's pretty high praise for the Throwback Pepsi. It probably won't be here long, so try it if you see it.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

lol, Mike calls it soda too.