Saturday, December 13, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

Last year we got a new pre-lit Christmas tree, which was soooooo much easier than having to string all of those lights! Since this tree was a couple feet taller than our other trees, the snowman decorations didn't seem to fill it up. So this year we decided to combine two trees into one. We now have a snowman / bird tree. I think it looks pretty!

We decided to keep the more delicate ornaments up towards the top, and the softer ornaments on the bottom. Well, it's a good thing we did....

(Scout is in the background, and her "new toys" in the front...)

(Scout wonders, "Why would they put my new toys all the way up here?")

1 comment:

Sharon Andy Holderman said...

Oh I love the tree! It is fancy while still being cute and cozy. We haven't gone prelit yet, but it looks tempting!