One of my favorite things to do in the garden is pull out shrubs, stumps, weeds, whatever. It's so satisfying! I think it's my repressed archaeologist coming out... A couple years ago we had a small tree split down the middle so we cut it down to about 12 inches and just let the stump sit. I was sick of looking at it and also thinking I would like to have a small border for an herb garden, so I got my spade out and got to work. Sorry I don't have a before picture, but here's the start of the little herb garden:

Please note that I had Richard in the picture to not only give perspective, but also to reassure everyone that he is alive and well and not in what looks like a shallow grave! I do believe the neighbors often wonder what I'm doing out there... Here's the little herb garden with it's blanket of chopped leaves.

On to my next project... In the Spring I want to plant a few blueberry plants and have been looking for the perfect spot. Since blueberries love full sun and acidic soil, I decided that we had a perfect spot between the two hollies and two pine trees. Here's the spot before:

So I got to work with my trusty spade and flipped the sod.

After a coating of wet newspaper (hey, I found a good use of all of those extra Buchtellites) the patch got a layer of chopped leaves and pine needles. By the way, wet newspaper works WAY better than dry! Last year I used dry paper when I created the asparagus patch. This worked so much better and kindof reminded me of paper mache.

I'm hoping we'll have some blueberries for pancakes next summer!