Normally, we try to keep up with the yard work and pick away at it each weekend.
Well, this year, as many Ohioans are aware, our weekends have been plagued with cold and wet, not making it very pleasant to be outside pulling weeds. And I don't go outside when it's not very pleasant...
So we found ourselves in a situation where we had way more yard waste than we could handle with buckets, bins, and the back of the CRV. So, we had to turn to the hauling experts....

When we picked up the truck we thought it was going to be way too big for what we had in mind. But no worries, I decided we would take advantage and fill it up!

Fortunately, part of the project was clearing away some brush on the hill to make room for a couple small compost piles. Next year most of the garden waste can go into a compost heap. This year it was off the recycling center.
Thanks, Dad, for helping us out today! It really helped us get done quickly. We're all pretty sore right now, and unfortunately there was one injury...

Nothing a Batman bandaid couldn't fix, though :-)